Re: forgot to submit some points!

From: Daniel de Rauglaudre (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 12:10:04 MET

  • Next message: Laurent Papier: "2 little patch"


    On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 07:13:25PM -0500, Jason W. King wrote:
    > back in December, I switched my program to batch instead of http, by
    > mistake. As a result, I have a half dozen points or so that I have
    > never submitted. Can I just enter a whole bunch of them in the form at
    > the ecdl website...and have the duplicate points removed? I wanted to
    > make sure that my point total was not inflated by duplicate points.
    > Will this work?

    Duplicate points are automatically removed. We don't like that since
    it increases the size of our files, but if you have no other solution,
    use it. How many points do you need to send us?

    Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE

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