Re: The graphs seem to be broken

From: Jim Fougeron (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 02:39:12 MET

  • Next message: Uwe Pierau: "Idea"

    I have also seen problems the last day or so with the graphs. They
    were working just fine 2 days ago. Now I get the middle graph
    to fill in rather quickly, while the other 2 graphs (Points per
    day and Probability) take a LONG time now (2 to 5 minutes). They
    do come in eventually. I have seen the same behavior on a high
    speed and a dial up connection. If you wait "long" enough, the graphs
    do finally show up.

    Has some database key changed recently, or possibly some other tie
    in between the Java applets and the database?


    Note, the Java applets used to (3 days ago) fill in within seconds
    (5 - 10) even on my dial up.

    At 05:20 AM 1/11/00 +0100, "John H Lister" wrote:
    >> ...or at least the daily points bar chart and the probability
    >> graph. According to IE5, half the page is downloaded.
    >> Are there too many points for the applets?!

    At 05:57 PM 1/11/00 +0100, "Xavier Leroy" wrote:
    >I don't think so -- at least the graphs display OK here. But we've
    >seen several versions of Netscape and IE that have problems with the
    >applet and don't display the graphs at all. I don't know if that's a
    >problem with the applet or with those particular browsers.
    >(Remember: Java's unofficial motto is "write once, debug everywhere".)
    >- Xavier Leroy

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