Re: The graphs seem to be broken

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 17:57:18 MET

  • Next message: Jim Fougeron: "Re: The graphs seem to be broken"

    > ...or at least the daily points bar chart and the probability
    > graph. According to IE5, half the page is downloaded.
    > Are there too many points for the applets?!

    I don't think so -- at least the graphs display OK here. But we've
    seen several versions of Netscape and IE that have problems with the
    applet and don't display the graphs at all. I don't know if that's a
    problem with the applet or with those particular browsers.
    (Remember: Java's unofficial motto is "write once, debug everywhere".)

    - Xavier Leroy

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