Re: Why only 1 server?

From: Dan Oetting (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 17:27:36 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Why only 1 server?"

    At 4:26 -0700 1/10/2000, Daniel de Rauglaudre wrote:
    >> >From what I understand about the type of distributed search used by EDCL,
    >> there is an arbitrary selection for distinguished points so that the number
    >> of points that the server must handle is manageable. It seams to me that
    >> you could cut the average time for the search in half by adding a second
    >> server.
    >You mean multiply the number of distinguished points by two? We could
    >do that, but we would not accelerate the process.
    >Actually, we dont compute on million distinguished points but one
    >million of billion points validated by one million distinguished
    >points. Each point "represent" on average one billion points.
    >We could compute two millions distinguished points but the number of
    >points to compute would remain one million of billion points! In these
    >case, we would just obtain the distringuished points twice faster, but
    >each of them "representing" (on average) half a billion points instead
    >of one billion points.
    >Therefore if we need e.g. 5 hours to compute a distinguished point, we
    >would save 2.5 hours in the total time!

    Ahh, the light turns on! The pseudo random path is generated from the value
    of the current point so that once a match is generated the two series will
    stay in sync until the match is detected by reaching a distinguished point.
    Thanks for clarifying this.

    PS: is it ever possible for a series to loop and never reach a
    distinguished point?

    -- Dan Oetting <>

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