Re: Why only 1 server?

From: Daniel de Rauglaudre (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 12:26:56 MET

  • Next message: Dan Oetting: "Re: Why only 1 server?"

    > >From what I understand about the type of distributed search used by EDCL,
    > there is an arbitrary selection for distinguished points so that the number
    > of points that the server must handle is manageable. It seams to me that
    > you could cut the average time for the search in half by adding a second
    > server.

    You mean multiply the number of distinguished points by two? We could
    do that, but we would not accelerate the process.

    Actually, we dont compute on million distinguished points but one
    million of billion points validated by one million distinguished
    points. Each point "represent" on average one billion points.

    We could compute two millions distinguished points but the number of
    points to compute would remain one million of billion points! In these
    case, we would just obtain the distringuished points twice faster, but
    each of them "representing" (on average) half a billion points instead
    of one billion points.

    Therefore if we need e.g. 5 hours to compute a distinguished point, we
    would save 2.5 hours in the total time!

    Daniel de RAUGLAUDRE

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