Re: Running NT on multiple processors

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 20:04:54 MET

  • Next message: Jeff Gilchrist: "RE: Running NT on multiple processors"

    Joel Jirak ( wrote:
    >I'm running two instances of the program on my NT box. I noticed that I'm
    >getting duplicate distinguished points in the dist.points file. [...]
    >Does this duplication of results mean running on multiple processors is

    What you could do is create two separate directories to run them in
    (but see below for a preferable solution). Otherwise they will read
    the same saved.state and run duplicate calculations. Stop the two
    copies, make two directories but with the existing saved.state file in
    one of them and no saved.state in the other. Then start up two
    copies, one in each directory.

    >(I'm running two instances of the program since one uses only one processor.)

    Another solution is to run the Windows port by Brian Gladman
    and Jeff Gilchrist. It is in:

    It automatically uses multiple processors. Note: it has some "issue"
    with proxies in http mode, but they are working on it!


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