Further Thoughts on Speed Comparisons

From: Chuck and Angey Werninger (chuckangey@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 05:09:53 MET

One more thought - when the call to arms goes to the general public, I'm
sure that everyone who thinks they've got a supercomputer at home/work would
love a chance to show how fast they can go by participating in our little
"speed demonstration test" - all the while contributing to a good cause at
virtually no cost! :)

If I were a computer manufacturer, OS developer or reseller, I would sure
like an opportunity to test for myself and challenge all competitors as
well. All the really big computers would show just how fast they are and us
small guys could see how a Pentium II-400 typically compares when running on
different distributions of Linux and so on.

That's what might just excite lots of little guys like me. I've already
found that while my original 233 MHz G3 iMac is great for most of my needs,
the ~37K its/sec that I get on it at this type of work is really slow
compared to some of the others I've already seen volunteered.

Just another thought.

In God We Trust
All Others, Bring Data.

Chuck Werninger 508 Chickadee Little Rock, AR 72205 501-666-0857

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