Speed Comparison

From: Chuck and Angey Werninger (chuckangey@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 04:52:29 MET

It would be interesting to see a comparison at some time in the future that
shows an the number of iterations per second that are reported by different
machines, OSes, qty/speed/type of processor(s) to give the layman a
comparison that is based on this type of mathematical computation done in
the real world and does not rely on the accuracy of a testing or evaluation

I know that the its/sec & OS are reported in my MacOS version - is that true
of all and could a couple of other bits of data be gleaned from the program
and then compiled into some form of scripted report? I don't know how
difficult or useful that would be but I would sure be interested!

BTW, my little iMac is not contributing much but I'm sure glad you allow me
to participate and I'm sure it will pay off well in the long run after an
official public plea for help is made!

In God We Trust
All Others, Bring Data.

Chuck Werninger 508 Chickadee Little Rock, AR 72205 501-666-0857

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