Re: Windows port works on Win95/98 and request

From: SteveA (
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 05:56:54 MET

I too downloaded the win32 port but it did not work any any of my
machines. So I guessed that the DLL wasnt corrupt but it was actually
linked to the Cygwin 20.1 install. I installed Cygwin 20.1 on one of my
machines and the ecdl client worked fine. I then copied the Cygwin
directory to my other machines and it worked on them as well.

Question though, in a previous email, some one stated that the MMX
version on a 500Mhz x86 would get roughly 146K iterations a sec. I have
a 450Mhz x86 and only get 99K iterations a second with the MMX core
under WinNT. Is there really that much overhead with NT compared to unix
to account for the 50,000 iteration a second differnce?


Greg Childers wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw the corrupt DLL email, but thought I'd try the windows port anyway. I've downloaded the zipped Windows port, and it runs without problems on both an MMX Win98 machine and a non-MMX Win95 machine. Are others experiencing a problem?
> If so, and if your Windows porter is otherwise occupied, I have Cygwin 20.1 with gcc 2.95.2 and binutils 2.9.4 available to compile one.
> Also, when the code is compiled with Cygwin, it does not print the speed. Could this be fixed in the next version?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> Greg

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