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Chapter 1  Overview

1.1  Language-based Information Flow Analysis

A computer system generally handles considerable amount of data. It may be directly stored in memory (e.g. a physical drive) or transit through some network interface or interactive device. Thus, programs running on the system potentially have access to this information, as inputs---e.g. the program may read data stored in memory or listen to a network interface---but also as outputs---e.g. the program may write data to memory (appending new information to existing one or replacing it) or emit some message on a network interface. Then, they may violate the privacy or the integrity of data in the system by releasing secret information or corrupting sensitive one. That is the reason why it is mandatory in many situations to control manipulations performed by a program in order to ensure they fulfill some integrity or security policy.

A common solution is to provide an access control system. Roughly speaking, this consists in attaching to every fragment of data some access rights that specify who may read and/or write it; then, only authorized programs are allowed to read or write sensitive information. Such a mechanism is deployed by most operating systems, including all UNIX variants. However, this addresses only a part of the problem because it just controls accesses to information but does not trace the security or integrity laws through computation: for example, a program executed with privileged rights can read a secret location and copy its contents to a public place. Thus, access control mechanisms provide some protection but require the programs to which access is granted to be trusted without any restriction.

Information flow analysis consists in statically analyzing the source code of a program before its execution, in order to ensure that all the operations it performs respect the security policy of the system. In short, this requires to trace every information flow performed by the program and to check it is legal. Such an analysis may be formulated as a type system; this choice presents many advantages: types may serve as a formal specification language and offer automated verification of code---provided type inference is available. Moreover, because the analysis may be performed entirely at compile-time, it has no run-time cost.

Flow Caml is an extension of the Objective Caml language with a type system tracing information flow. Its purpose is basically to allow to write real programs and to automatically check that they obey some security policy. In Flow Caml, usual ML types are annotated with security levels chosen in a suitable lattice. Each annotation gives an approximation of the information which the expression that it describes may convey. Because it has full type inference, the system verifies, without requiring source code annotations, that every information flow performed by the analyzed program is legal w.r.t. the security policy specified by the programmer.

1.2  Relating Flow Caml to Objective Caml

Let us briefly discuss the relationship between Flow Caml and Objective Caml [LDG+02b]. First of all, one may mention that the Flow Caml system---including its type inference engine---is entirely written in Objective Caml. Although some part of Flow Caml's source code comes from that of Objective Caml, the system is distributed as a standalone program---not just a patch on Objective Caml---because its heart, the type inference engine, totally differs from the original one.

Putting aside these implementation issues which do not really concern the final user, the most important relationship between Flow Caml and Objective Caml lies in the fact that the former handles a (large) subset of the language of the latter. Roughly speaking, this means that a Flow Caml program may also be read as an Objective Caml one. However, this is not exactly true because Flow Caml type expressions include security annotations. Flow Caml handles all the core constructs of the Caml language, including imperative features (references, mutable values), exceptions (with the slight difference that exception names are no more first class values), datatypes and pattern matching. It also features most of the module layer of the language, including functors. However, Flow Caml does not support the object-oriented features of Objective Caml, nor polymorphic variants and labels. (In fact, the programming language of Flow Caml is approximately the same as that of the now defunct Caml Special Light.)

For the reason explained above, a Flow Caml program is generally not a valid input for the Objective Caml compiler. Nevertheless, the Flow Caml compiler outputs legal Objective Caml code from Flow Caml code. This allows to compile every program written in Flow Caml, using the byte-code or the native compiler, and running it as for every Objective Caml program. Moreover, it is possible to easily interface a program written in Flow Caml with Objective Caml code and hence to benefit from a large amount of existing libraries.

1.3  How to get the Flow Caml system ?

The Flow Caml system is freely available on the World Wide Web at the following address:
The source distribution should compile on almost every UNIX machine where recent versions of GNU Make and Objective Caml are installed (including the Cygwin environment for Microsoft Windows). A binary distribution for Microsoft Windows operating systems is also provided.

1.4  Theoretical background and related work

The type system implemented in the Flow Caml system for tracing information flow has been developed by François Pottier and Vincent Simonet and is fully presented in [PS02, PS03]. These papers give a formal presentation of the type algebra and typing rules for the core of the language, that is Core ML (a l-calculus with references, exceptions, primitives and let-polymorphism). They also provide a correctness proof of the type system. That means that the (non-interference) property that the system is supposed to enforce has been formally stated and verified.

The design of a type inference engine for a system providing both subtyping and polymorphism formed another part of the work. The form of subtyping present in Flow Caml is generally said to be structural. Dealing with subtyping constraints in an efficient way requires quite subtle algorithms; they are presented (and proved correct) in another article [Sim03]. In fact, the type inference engine of Flow Caml has been implemented independently of its final use and is also distributed as a separate library [Sim02]. Hence, we hope it will be suitable for a variety of applications.

The last step of the job consisted in integrating the information flow analysis in the Caml language itself. This required to extend in some way every programming construct provided by the language, including datatype definitions, the module system, the implementation/interface mechanism; in order to obtain a complete programming language.

To the best of our knowledge, the only other real size implementation of a language-based information flow analysis is the Jif system by Myers et al. [MNZZ01], based on the type system presented in Myers' thesis [Mye99]. This prototype handles a large subset of the Java language, which is roughly comparable to that of Flow Caml. Sketching a comparison, one of the main differences between Flow Caml and Jif is that, going up with the ML tradition, the former features polymorphism and has a full type inference algorithm, while the latter performs only local type reconstruction, in the Java style. In particular, in Jif programs, methods arguments must be annotated with their whole type, including the security annotations. On the other hand, Jif provides an interesting mechanism of dynamic labels which allows performing some checks at run-time. This has, for the time being, no counterpart in Flow Caml.

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