Under this directory are the Debian packages of Geneweb. The i386 .deb files are in dists/stable/geneweb/binary-i386/geneweb This directory is "apt-getable". Add the following entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list file : ---------------------------cut here----------------------------------- # Geneweb # # Sources deb-src ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/cristal/geneweb/Linux/DEBIAN/ stable geneweb # Binaries deb ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/cristal/geneweb/Linux/DEBIAN/ stable geneweb ---------------------------cut here----------------------------------- As of 3.11 release of Geneweb, I have dropped out the development of woody package as Debian now includes an official Geneweb package which I maintain. So, you will find here only "potato" packages. On for geneweb and one for gwtp. The source files are also available in these directories. You are required to install the ocaml Debian package for compiling these sources (NOT for installing the DEB package). It is part of the general Debian distribution. The potato version is too od for compiling Geneweb. You'll have to backport the woody version of the ocaml package and install it. That's quite easy if you're familiar with Debian package recompilation. Otherwise, Ocaml is available at http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/ Also remember : Geneweb Home Page : http://cristal.inria.fr/~ddr/GeneWeb/ Geneweb author : Daniel de Rauglaudre Enjoy! -- Christian Perrier Geneweb Officiel Debian potato package maintainer