Re: Performance on the long run

From: Patrick Vigneras (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 23:13:35 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Performance on the long run"

    Robert Harley wrote:
    > Patrick Vigneras wrote:
    > >[...] on the last few days, there was a big slowdown on generated
    > >points, even though the rate was unchanged (about 88k/s)
    > >[...]
    > >I stopped the program, restarted it [...] generation of distinguished
    > >points is back to a regular pace.
    > This is just due to random effects. You can find no distinguished
    > points for a while and then suddenly find a few in a row. If you had
    > left the program running it would have done the same thing!

    Then i guess i must wrongly interpret the meaning of "iteration" in this
    case. What surprised me was that both the rate and the number of
    iterations between distinguished points was nearly constant.


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