32-bit version 1.1.1

From: Robert Harley (Robert.Harley@inria.fr)
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 18:38:36 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Enquiring minds want to know"
  • Next message: Damien Doligez: "New MacOS client"

    I've put 32-bit source code version 1.1.1 on the Web site, and
    binaries for Linux and FreeBSD on x86.

    There are no new RPMs yet, but in the mean time people using the RPM
    could do:

      /etc/rc.d/init.d/ecdl stop

      [... copy the new binaries over those in /usr/local/ecdl/ ...]

      /etc/rc.d/init.d/ecdl start

    The main changes are:

      1. Due to popular demand, this version avoids passing structures around.
         Compilers can't/don't stuff them into the few registers available on
         x86, so they get passed in memory. Putting them in memory manually
         and passing pointers instead is a bit faster. The gain seems to be
         about 6% or 7% typically.

      2. After finding a distinguished point, a random jump is made. This
         means that if you accidentally start two processes with identical
         saved states, they will diverge after a while (in particular PARAL=32
         points will be duplicated rather than an arbitrarily large number).
         This is NOT a reason to re-use saved states. Avoid doing that!

    Good luck,

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Feb 29 2000 - 14:17:52 MET