Best hardware?

From: Simpson, Sam (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 12:30:04 MET

  • Next message: Xavier Leroy: "Re: Best hardware?"

    I have a theoretical question (e.g. I'm not going to implement this!)...If I
    had £60k to spend on making a machine to devote to cracking ECDL - what
    would be the best hardware to buy for price/performance?

    My initial thoughts were:

     Dual Celeron 500 w/64 Mb of RAM.

    But I'm not sure if the recent Celerons supports MMX?

    Has anyone done a price/performance comparison of the various platforms?


    Sam Simpson
    Communications Analyst
    -- for ScramDisk hard-drive encryption &
    Delphi Crypto Components. PGP Keys available at the same site.

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