Re: Newer versions?

From: Philippe Deschamp (Philippe.Deschamp@INRIA.Fr)
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 14:31:03 MET

  • Next message: Bret Losch: "Lost passphrase"

    Robert Harley wrote:

    > The original version 1.1.0 for Unix was perfect. =:-)
    > The Windows-aware ports had a few small increments up to 1.1.3. The
    > differences were some user interface issues, small speed improvements...

    I wouldn't label as "small" the modifications which allow my machine to rate
    a splendid 104ki/s, compared to the initial 87ki/s --- a 20% gain. Those
    people did a good job, it should be acknowledged as such. And maybe put to
    use in the mainstream version for the Linux port (a 10% gain might be in

    Philippe Deschamp.                  In medio stat virtus

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