Compiling on a CRay.

From: Eric Depagne (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 14:17:41 MET

  • Next message: Robert Harley: "Re: Compiling on a CRay."

    I've got problems for compiling ecdl2K-108.32bit.c and the 64bit version
    on a cray:

    CC-70 cc: ERROR File = essai.c, Line = 868
      The indicated type is incomplete.

          { struct rusage ru;

    CC-20 cc: ERROR File = essai.c, Line = 870
      The identifier "RUSAGE_SELF" is undefined.

              getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);

    CC-70 cc: ERROR File = essai.c, Line = 2104
      The indicated type is incomplete.

              struct rusage ru;

    CC-20 cc: ERROR File = essai.c, Line = 2106
      The identifier "RUSAGE_SELF" is undefined.

              getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);

    CC-139 cc: ERROR File = essai.c, Line = 2477
      Taking the address of a bit field is not allowed.

    Eric Depagne
    DASGAL - Observatoire de Meudon.

    First they ignore you, then, they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.


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