New ECDL Service Release

From: Brian Gladman (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 09:05:20 MET

  • Next message: Daniel de Rauglaudre: "Re: Point Comparison"

    Rob has now posted the latest release of the ECDL service client.

    This implements a number of requests for changes made on this list whilst
    also providing worthwhile MMX performance MMX improvements.

    The changes from v1.1.2 are as follows:

    1. You can now set the priority with which the service runs.

    2. The program state will be saved when the Operating System is closed down
       (the previous version used the last saved state in this circumstance).

    3. Messages in the Event Log are now more meaningful.

    4. The program deals with a number of unexpected situations (for example,
       DNS lookup failures) more effectively.

          Brian Gladman

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