RE: ECDL service problem

From: Jeff Gilchrist (
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 19:27:25 MET

  • Next message: Bill & Bunny Kuhlman: "points not showing up in standings"

    Just in case anyone was curious, Kai and I found the problem. For some
    reason Kai's Win95 machine didn't have the "RunServices" key in the registry
    which is required for the ECDL Service client to work. I'm not sure how
    this happened since it is there by default on the Win95 and Win98 machines
    that I have used.

    Once Kai created the correct key:

    the program installs fine and is working.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kai Lockwood []
    Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 11:18 PM
    Subject: ECDL service problem

    I received an error message while trying to install the new service version.
    The message it gave was:
    Error opening service key

    Just wondering as to what might cause this type of error. Thanks.

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