security concerns

From: Vincent Goffin (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 20:14:09 MET

First off, let me say I find the web pages to be quite well done.
The FAQ is an enjoyable read, at any hour of the day or night!

I would, however, like to raise one security related point. Maybe
it's y2k paranoia! People are concerned that making machine names
visible makes it that much easier for crackers to target and infiltrate
a site. I realize a machine name could be pure fiction, but not every
contributor will have realized that in time. Of course the information
'by machine' is still very nice to have. If there were a way for
contributors to rename (and possibly consolidate) machines that have
already contributed points, that would remove that concern.
This would also make it easier to contribute from large sites.

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