more statistics on ECDL

From: Xavier Leroy (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 15:24:29 MET

I thought there weren't enough numbers on the ECDL Web site, so I
compiled some more... Here is a break-down of all results obtained
till yesterday, sorted by "version" (the info that the ECDL clients
report in the first lines of their messages):

Unix64 16491 points 161 machines 102.4 points/machine
Unix32 MMX 13272 points 348 machines 38.1 points/machine
Unix32 2611 points 204 machines 12.8 points/machine
Cygwin32 MMX 2248 points 113 machines 19.9 points/machine
MacOS 347 points 32 machines 10.8 points/machine
WINDOWS NT 322 points 8 machines 40.2 points/machine
Cygwin32 90 points 23 machines 3.9 points/machine
WINDOWS NT MMX 19 points 3 machines 6.3 points/machine
WIN32 9 points 2 machines 4.5 points/machine
OS/2 4 points 1 machines 4.0 points/machine

Currently, 64-bit Unix machines account for roughly half of the
results, closely followed by MMX PCs under Unix. The various Windows
ports as well as the MacOS version haven't been very productive yet.
But keep up the good work!

- Xavier Leroy

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