ECDL info

From: Robert Harley (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 19:49:57 MET DST

Hello all,

This is to let you know that we're working hard here at INRIA to get a
new ECDL project underway.

* We will be attempting to solve ECC2K-108 and intend split the prize
as $8000 for the Apache Software Foundation and $1000 each for the
people who find matching points.

* We have set up two mailing lists:

  A low-volume list for important announcements only:

  A high-volume list for general discussion:

and we have pro-actively subscribed everybody (who expressed interest)
to ecdl-announce, but nobody to ecdl-list. To read the archives, to
subscribe to ecdl-list or to unsubscribe from ecdl-announce, please go to:

* Final preparations currently include testing of the code on some
small examples. Some choices made now will be set in stone once the
real calculation starts, so it is important to get them right.

We expect to release 32-bit and 64-bit source code soon (famous last
words!) and are counting on your assistance to port the code, optimise
it, improve ease-of-use and so on. Particular areas include:

  - optimised binaries for lots of OSes,
  - automatic mailing for Windows and Mac,
  - ability to communicate results back using http,
  - speed ups using wide multimedia registers (MMX, Altivec...).

* The format for sending back points will be quite flexible. Each
point will be accompanied by its owner's email address and a database
will link each participant's email address up to details such as their
name and team.

Right now, you can go to this form to set up your database entry:

You need to choose a password of at least 10 characters. Keep a copy
somewhere safe! You can change your entry at any time and all your
points will be attached to the updated details.

Rather than having many small teams with a single participant in them,
it would be more fun and promote more competition if we organise
ourselves into big teams, so aim high and choose team names that can
cover quite a lot of people!

Good luck,

  Robert Harley
  Daniel de Rauglaudre
  Xavier Leroy
  Damien Doligez

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