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E Key bindings for scratch drawings

Entering scratch drawing mode

Press S to enter scratch drawing; the cursor is modified and you must click somewhere on the page to start drawing there. Before clicking, you can

Survival command kit when scratch drawing

Active-DVI recognizes the following keystrokes when scratch drawing on the page.

^GquitEnd of scratch drawing.
EscsettingsEnter the scratch drawing settings mode.

In the scratch drawing settings mode, the cursor is modified and you can set some charateristics of the scratch drawing facility.

Scratch drawing settings mode keys

When in the scratch drawing settings mode, the following keys have the following respective meanings:

General scratch drawing settings keys

Setting the drawing line color

bblueSet the color of the font to blue.
ccyanSet the color of the font to cyan.
ggreenSet the color of the font to green.
kblackSet the color of the font to black.
mmagentaSet the color of the font to magenta.
rredSet the color of the font to red.
wwhiteSet the color of the font to white.
yyellowSet the color of the font to yellow.
Bmore blueIncrement the blue component of the current color.
Gmore greenIncrement the green component of the current color.
Rmore redIncrement the red component of the current color.
+positive incrementSet the color increment to positive.
negative incrementSet the color increment to negative.

Setting the drawing line size

>incrementIncrement by one the size of the line.
<decrementDecrement by one the size of the line.

Setting the kind of figure to draw

In the setting mode, pressing one of the following keys enter the (still experimental) figure drawing mode:

Vvertical lineDraw a vertical line.
Hhorizontal lineDraw a horizontal line.
SsegmentDraw a segment.
CcircleDraw a circle.
ppointDraw a point.
PpolygoneDraw a polygone.
eendpolyClose the polygone that is beeing drawn.
Ffree handDraw a line following the pointer.
’ ’cancelCancel the figure setting.

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