Index of types

color [Dalton_aux]
For drawing purposes, a color is represented by a simple integer, as in the Graphics module of the Objective Caml standard library.
comparison_report [Dalton.Make.Scheme]
A comparison report records an explanation of the failure of the comparison of two schemes.
constructor_arg [Dalton_aux]
Signatures of type constructors are specified by giving for each argument a record of type constructor_arg.
cset [Dalton.Make]
Constraint sets are represented by values of type cset.

kind [Dalton_aux]
In the term algebra considered by the solver, terms may have one of the following kinds: Katom for atoms,, Ktype for type,, Krow k for rows whose elements have kind k.

minimal_report [Dalton.Make.Scheme]
A comparison report records an explanation of why a scheme has no minimal instance.

node [Dalton.Make]
(Multi-equations of) Terms are represented by values of type node.
node_or_skeleton [Dalton.Make]
A value of type node_or_skeleton is either a node or a skeleton.

position [Dalton_sig.GROUND.Type]
Values of type position represents a context of pretty-print.
printer [Dalton_aux]
Pretty-printing in the library is performed by the Format module.
printing [Dalton_aux]
Similarly, the printing of some message on a formatter may be abstractly represented by a function of type printing.

skeleton [Dalton.Make]
Multi-skeletons are represented by values of type skeleton.
solve_report [Dalton.Make.Scheme]
A solve report records an explanation of why the resolution of a scheme fails.
subst [Dalton.Make]
A substitution may be applied while copying a scheme.

t [Dalton.Make.SCHEME_ROOT]
The type of schemes.
t [Dalton_sig.GROUND.Type]
A type constructor (with its arguments) is represented by a value of type 'a t, where 'a is the type of the arguments.
t [Dalton_sig.GROUND.Label]
The type of row labels.
t [Dalton_sig.GROUND.Ub]
The type of constant upper bound.
t [Dalton_sig.GROUND.Lb]
The type of constant lower bound.

unification_report [Dalton.Make]
Unification errors are described by a value of type unification_report.

variance [Dalton_aux]
A variance is one of the three elements Covariant, Contravariant and Invariant.

window [Dalton_templates.DrawGraphics]
window [Dalton_sig.DRAW]