val set_command : string -> unit
module Attributes :
type graph =
[ `Bgcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Center of bool
| `Comment of string
| `Concentrate of bool
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontpath of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Label of string
| `Layers of string list
| `Margin of float
| `Mclimit of float
| `Nodesep of float
| `Nslimit of int
| `Nslimit1 of int
| `Orientation of [ `Landscape | `Portrait]
| `Page of float * float
| `Pagedir of [ `LeftToRight | `TopToBottom]
| `Quantum of float
| `Rankdir of [ `LeftToRight | `TopToBottom]
| `Ranksep of float
| `Ratio of [ `Auto | `Compress | `Fill | `Float of float]
| `Samplepoints of int
| `Size of float * float
| `Url of string]
and node =
[ `Color of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Comment of string
| `Distortion of float
| `Fillcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fixedsize of bool
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Height of float
| `Label of string
| `Layer of string
| `Orientation of float
| `Peripheries of int
| `Regular of bool
| `Shape of
[ `Box
| `Circle
| `Diamond
| `Doublecircle
| `Ellipse
| `Plaintext
| `Polygon of int * float
| `Record]
| `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Filled | `Invis | `Solid]
| `Url of string
| `Width of float
| `Z of float]
and edge =
[ `Arrowhead of Avl_graphviz.arrow_style
| `Arrowsize of float
| `Arrowtail of Avl_graphviz.arrow_style
| `Color of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Comment of string
| `Constraints of bool
| `Decorate of bool
| `Dir of [ `Back | `Both | `Forward | `None]
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Headlabel of string
| `Headport of [ `E | `N | `NE | `NW | `S | `SE | `SW | `W]
| `Headurl of string
| `Label of string
| `Labelangle of float
| `Labeldistance of float
| `Labelfloat of bool
| `Labelfontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Labelfontname of string
| `Labelfontsize of int
| `Layer of string
| `Minlen of int
| `Samehead of string
| `Sametail of string
| `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Invis | `Solid]
| `Taillabel of string
| `Tailport of [ `E | `N | `NE | `NW | `S | `SE | `SW | `W]
| `Tailurl of string
| `Weight of int]
module type INPUT =
type graph
and node
and edge
val iter_nodes :
(Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.node -> unit) ->
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.graph -> unit
val iter_edges :
(Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.edge -> unit) ->
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.graph -> unit
val graph_attributes :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.graph ->
Avl_graphviz.Dot.Attributes.graph list
val default_node_attributes :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.graph -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.Attributes.node list
val default_edge_attributes :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.graph -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.Attributes.edge list
val node_name : Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.node -> string
val node_attributes :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.node -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.Attributes.node list
val edge_head :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.edge -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.node
val edge_tail :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.edge -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.node
val edge_attributes :
Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT.edge -> Avl_graphviz.Dot.Attributes.edge list
module Make :
functor (X : INPUT) ->
exception Error of string
val handle_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val fprint_graph : Format.formatter -> X.graph -> unit
val output_graph : Pervasives.out_channel -> X.graph -> unit
val run_graph :
[ `Gif | `HpGl | `Imap | `Ismap | `Mif | `Plain | `PostScript] ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> X.graph -> 'a