type graph =
[ `Center of bool
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Label of string
| `Orientation of [ `Landscape | `Portrait]
| `Page of float * float
| `Pagedir of [ `LeftToRight | `TopToBottom]
| `Size of float * float]
and node =
[ `Color of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Height of float
| `Label of string
| `Orientation of float
| `Peripheries of int
| `Regular of bool
| `Shape of
[ `Box
| `Circle
| `Diamond
| `Doublecircle
| `Ellipse
| `Plaintext
| `Polygon of int * float
| `Record]
| `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Filled | `Invis | `Solid]
| `Width of float]
and edge =
[ `Color of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Decorate of bool
| `Dir of [ `Back | `Both | `Forward | `None]
| `Fontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Fontname of string
| `Fontsize of int
| `Label of string
| `Labelfontcolor of Avl_graphviz.color
| `Labelfontname of string
| `Labelfontsize of int
| `Style of [ `Bold | `Dashed | `Dotted | `Invis | `Solid]]