type apm_support = Supported | Unsupported | WrongVersion
external exists : unit -> Apm.apm_support = "camlapm_exists"
type ac_line_status = OffLine | OnLine | OnBackupPower
and battery_status = High | Low | Critical | Charging | NoBattery
and info = {
driver_version : string;
version_major : int;
version_minor : int;
support_32_bits : bool;
power_management_disabled : bool;
power_management_disengaged : bool;
ac_line_status : Apm.ac_line_status;
battery_status : Apm.battery_status;
battery_percentage : int option;
battery_time : int option;
external read : unit -> = "camlapm_read"
external suspend : unit -> unit = "camlapm_suspend"
external standby : unit -> unit = "camlapm_standby"
exception Failure of string * string
val handle_apm_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b